Active registered Vermont voters should have received an absentee ballot in the mail last week.
Mail it: before Halloween is a good deadline, allowing 7-10 days for mail delivery, so it’s received by 7 pm on Election Day, November 8th. Don’t cut it too close: scary.
Drop it off: at a secure drop box or in person at your clerk's office until closing time on Monday, November 7th.
Bring it: to the polls up until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8th.
If you still need to register to vote, you’ve got lots of options: online, by mail, and in person at your city or town clerk's office. You can register up to and on Election Day.
Didn’t get a ballot in the mail and want to request one? Need to find your polling place? Need accessibility info? Need voting info in a language other than English? Find more information at Secretary of State Jim Condos elections division site:
Original source can be found here.